Why would a Christian stop vaccinating?

Why as a Christian I feel convicted to stop vaccinating:

1.       To me, this is the same as helping the poor and standing against abortion. Babies are dying from vaccines. Aborted babies were used to manufacture the vaccines we have now, others are used to study new vaccines and to look for the perfect cell line to replace our current one.

On top of that our children are chronically ill and sickness/disease is rampant in vaccinated individuals. We have the first generations of people that are less healthy than their parents. Vaccines are linked to auto-immnune diseases and other chronic health problems. I can’t, with good faith, support something that is hurting people, while the manufacturers of these vaccines are not held liable for the harm they cause.

  Psalm 94:16 
Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?

2.       God created our immune systems to fight diseases, no, they aren’t perfect on this earth, but injecting toxins into them and bypassing the natural immune system exposure to disease is not a healthy solution either. 

Normally diseases enter through our skin, oral or respiratory system, and we build true immunity through the exposure.  Bypassing this route and injecting viruses and bacteria straight into the body sends the immune system into overdrive and affects our overall wellbeing and health, especially that of our children who have immature immune systems.

Did you know that most people who raise chickens are naturally immune to salmonella?  Even if they do catch it is a VERY mild case. 

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made when left in natural working order and cared for in a manner that keeps them in top notch working order.  

Therefore shouldn’t we be pushing healthy lifestyles and helping people learn how to maintain a naturally healthy immunes system instead of pushing toxins? Toxins are not only in vaccines, they are in our processed foods, our environment, all around us.  We are destroying what God has given us and not questioning what the manufacturers of these toxins are up to.

1 Cor. 6:19-20 
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are
not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify
God in your body.”

3.       Many vaccines contain cells from aborted babies : This is redundant but it is one of my biggest issues:

Cell lines originating from aborted babies

“There are two particular fetal cell lines that have been heavily used in vaccine development. They are named according to the laboratory facilities where they were developed. One cell line is known as WI-38, developed at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, PA. The other is MRC-5, developed for the Medical Research Council in England. WI-38 was developed by Dr. Leonard Hayflick in 1962, by taking lung cells from an aborted female baby at approximately the end of the third month of pregnancy. Dr. Hayflick’s article published in the journal Experimental Cell Research states that three cell lines, WI-26, WI-38, WI-44 were all developed from aborted babies. “All embryos were obtained from surgical abortions and were of approximately three months’ gestation.”(1) Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who developed a Rubella vaccine using WI-38, addressed a question at an international conference as to the origin of WI-38. Dr. Plotkin stated:

“This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families.”(2)

The origin of the MRC-5 cell line, created in 1966, is documented in the journal Nature by three British researchers working at the National Institute for Medical Research. They wrote, “We have developed another strain of cells, also derived from foetal lung tissue, taken from a 14-week male foetus removed for psychiatric reasons from a 27 year old woman with a genetically normal family history and no sign of neoplastic disease both at abortion and for at least three years afterward.”(3) Noting that their research parallels that of Dr. Hayflick’s development of the WI-38 cell line, the researchers conclude, “Our studies indicate that by presently accepted criteria, MRC-5 cells—in common with WI-38 cells of similar origin—have normal characteristics and so could be used for the same purposes as WI-38 cells.”(4)

In both of these cell lines it is quite clear that the aborted children were presumed to be healthy, and that there was no life-threatening condition or other medically-indicated reason for the abortion of these two babies.

There is a more recent cell line, PER C6, developed in 1985, which is being used currently in research to develop vaccines to treat Ebola and HIV. The origin of PER C6 is clearly documented. In direct testimony before the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, Dr. Alex Van Der Eb, the scientist who developed PER C6, stated:

“So I isolated retina [cells] from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old. There was nothing special in the family history, or the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus, abortus provocatus, and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus.”(5)

Currently several vaccines using the PER C6 cell line are in development. Undoubtedly the cells used to establish PER C6 came from a healthy baby, aborted from a healthy mother for social convenience reasons. While many of the common childhood vaccines used today were developed using the WI-38 and MRC-5 fetal cell lines, there are some vaccines available that were developed using animal cell lines. The tables on the following page indicate all U.S. abortion-tainted vaccines, and the available alternatives.”


               So by vaccinating not only are we supporting the use of aborted babies to “save” our own, further giving precedence to elective abortion, we are playing with our own children’s health by injecting foreign DNA into their bodies. I have a friend, a doctor, that has said, injecting foreign DNA into our systems is NOT healthy and can lead to many problems like cancer, auto-immune disease, etc.  (Vaccine rates have gone up, so have these problems????) I cannot be pro-life and vaccinate. It goes against my beliefs as a follower of Christ as well as my better judgment.

4.       I refuse to give into fear by vaccinating. Isn’t that all it is? Instead of trusting that God gave his creation a working immune system and made everything natural to sustain it, we contaminate our bodies because we think man knows best. What better way for Satan to harm God’s perfect creation? Personally, instead of encouraging people not to vaccinate, I truly want to encourage them to eat healthy and seek a professional who can help them understand their body and how to use what God has made to sustain health.  Of course doctors and modern medicine are given gifts and talents by our Creator and should be used when needed, but we are trying to fix something that isn’t broken with vaccines.  Our bodies could fight these disease if they were in top working order and with the help of modern medicine.

I am not saying I do not fear these diseases to some extent.  The thought of my little baby having pertussis (I have seen pertussis first hand) or any other disease is scary, but that is where the doctors come in.  Most of the diseases we are giving vaccinations for at this time are actually very treatable with modern medicine and many times would not even require any treatment.  Measles, Chickenpox, Flu, Rubella, etc. can all be treated at home with rest, hydration, vitamin supplements.

 Per the American Academy of Pediatrics, high dose Vitamin A effectively treats measles:  see the link here:   



Also, if mothers contract the diseases then infants who are breastfed are given natural immunity until weaning and for a time after.  Thus the reason many diseases were seen as “school aged” diseases back in the day, because weaning happened between 3 & 4 and then as the immunity from mom wears off, the kids were older and stronger and able to fight the disease themselves.  Vaccine immunity (for lack  of a better term) is not passed from mother to child through breast milk, increasing the risk that a baby, too young to vaccinate, could be exposed to the disease and die from it.  (note in the articles above that around the world most deaths occur in children under 5) GOD MADE IT PERFECT!!  Now we are seeing young babies succumb to pertussis and measles because their mothers have no naturally occurring immunity from the actual disease to pass to them.

I refuse to let fear force my heartfelt convictions from me. 

  2 Timothy 1:7 
"The Lord has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind. "
Psalm 34:4 
I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
John 14:27 
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 

“You can never do enough studies to prove they [vaccines] are safe. So we are left with faith in the theory about vaccines. We’re left with faith that the pharmaceutical industry is making vaccines for our health, not to make money. We’re left with faith that our doctors actually look at these stupid studies they’re doing and read them and figure out what’s going on. We’re left with faith that our pediatricians are doing their job. We’re left with faith that we do get a Hep B vaccine in a day one old baby for their health and not for the bottom dollar of the pharmaceutical industry. So I have to say with that much faith let’s call this thing what it is, it’s a religion. We live in a country that celebrates the freedom of religion, you can have yours and I can have mine.”

-Del Bigtree, Producer of the movie Vaxxed and previous Director of the show The Doctors.

With much love,

In the Name of Jesus,

More links for information:

CDC list of vaccines and ingredients


Susceptible groupshttp://vaxtruth.org/2014/09/susceptible-groups/

Are vaccines safe?- Dr.Suzanne Humphries > https://youtu.be/BpC0Tbb3diI